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Component Rendering


You must learn the following chapters before getting into this chapter:

This chapter is crucial for understanding how reactive value works in a React component. If you're not having a good time dealing with states, this chapter might be able to save you.

In this chapter, we'll talk about re-rendering. However, we don't talk about virtual DOM, nor do we talk about any complicated algorithms; instead, we talk about the most relevant things for users (you and me, the developers) — how exactly will re-render impact the variables declared in a component.

This is going to be a long chapter! Be sure to set aside some time to read it, be patient, it's worth it!

How Reactive Value Works in a Component

We've all been confused by how states work in React. Let's start this chapter with the following example:

import { useState } from 'react'

export const Example = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

const click = () => {
console.log('count before setCount():', count)

console.log('count right after setCount():', count)

setTimeout(() => {
console.log('count 3 seconds after setCount():', count)
}, 3000)

return (
<h1>Count: {count}</h1>
<button onClick={click}>Click Me</button>

In this example, we use three console.log() successively to print out the value of count:

  1. Before setCount() is called.
  2. Right after setCount() is called.
  3. 5 seconds after setCount() is called.

From one of the example in Reactive Values, we already know that changes made by functions like setState() will not be applied immediately, so currently it's acceptable to see the second console.log() showing 0 (we'll talk about the real cause below!) But why is it that in the video, when we clearly see the number on the screen has changed from 0 to 5, the last console.log() still shows 0?

In a React component, every render has its own unique set of props, states, and everything. To simplify this idea, just think of it as a find and replace operation that occurs during each render.


Please note that "find and replace" is just a concept to give you a quick idea of ​​​​what the result will be after a component re-renders, and is not how React actually handles things internally.

Let's use the click() function in this component as a example:

const click = () => {
console.log('count before setCount():', count)

console.log('count right after setCount():', count)

setTimeout(() => {
console.log('count 3 seconds after setCount():', count)
}, 3000)

In the first render, the value of count is 0. This means in this render, all occurrences of count in this component will be "replaced" by 0. The following code illustrates what the component does when defining click() in this render:

const click = () => {
console.log('count before setCount():', 0)

console.log('count right after setCount():', 0)

setTimeout(() => {
console.log('count 3 seconds after setCount():', 0)
}, 3000)

Notice how all the count are now 0. This explains why we still get 0 in the timeout, even though the count on the screen has already been updated to 5.

Here's another example that "broke" for the same reason:

import { useState } from 'react'

const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

const click = () => {
setCount(count + 1)
setCount(count + 1)
setCount(count + 1)

In this example, after click() is executed, the value of count will be 1 instead of 3. How come?

Since the initial value of count is 0, all setCount(count + 1) in click() will evaluate to setCount(0 + 1). So in the first render, the component will define click() as a function that runs setCount(0 + 1) three times, which updates the value of count to 1 instead of 3.

From these examples, we've learned a very important lesson — in a React component, everything works by rendering, not by time. Reactive values can only represent the status of a component in a specific render. That's why a component needs to re-render. But what exactly does re-render do?

What Happens When A Component Re-Renders?

As we've mentioned in Reactive Values, re-render means any subsequent renders after the very first render. But what actually happens when a component re-renders? Let's walk through a render-by-render analysis of a counter app to see what actually happens when a component re-renders:

import { useState } from 'react'

export const Example = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

const countPlusFive = count + 5

const increment = () => {
setCount(count + 1)

return (
<h1>Count: {count}</h1>
<h2>Count + 5: {countPlusFive}</h2>
<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

First, let's review the members of this component:

  • Reactive values
    • Props
      • None
    • States
      1. count
  • Non-reactive values
    • References
      • None
    • Normal values (all non-reactive, non-reference values declared in a component)
      1. countPlusFive
      2. increment()

The only state in this component is count, and we can update count by clicking the "Increment" button.

The First Render (Initialization)

In the first render, React initializes the component according to the following steps:

  1. Declare count and setCount by running const [count, setCount] = useState(0).
  2. Declare countPlusFive by running const countPlusFive = count + 5.
    • Since the initial value of count is 0, countPlusFive will evaluate to 0 + 5 in this render, which is 5.
  3. Declare increment() by running const increment = () => { ... }.
    • Since the initial value of count is 0, setCount(count + 1) will evaluate to setCount(0 + 1) in this render.
  4. Binds all necessary values to the JSX elements in the return section while rendering all child components, and do the return.

The Second Render (The First Re-Render)

After the "Increment" button is clicked once, the value of count will be updated from 0 to 1. Since count is a reactive value, this change will cause the component to re-render. Thus, React re-renders the component by re-running every single piece of code in the component from top to bottom:

  1. Declare count and setCount by running const [count, setCount] = useState(0). However, thanks to how useState() works internally, count and setCount() will still refer to the same variables as in the previous render; they're just being assigned to new variables with the same names as in the previous render.
  2. Declare countPlusFive by running const countPlusFive = count + 5.
    • Since value of count has been updated from 0 to 1, count + 5 will evaluate to 1 + 5 in this render, which is 6.
  3. Declare increment() by running const increment = () => { ... }.
    • Since the value of count has been updated from 0 to 1, setCount(count + 1) will evaluate to setCount(1 + 1) in this render.
  4. Binds all necessary values to the JSX elements in the return section while re-rendering all children, and do the return.

Any subsequent render will just follow the same rule as the the first re-render, with no exception.

As you can see, render and re-render are actually not that different from each other; they both follow the same rule — runs the code in a component from top to bottom. Therefore, in each render, everything gets redeclared; the only difference is how the values are evaluated. Please keep in mind that:

  • Reactive values will never change within the same render. In other words, reactive values can actually be seen as constants in each render; they only change in the next render.
  • Although everything gets redeclared in each render, it doesn't necessarily mean that all variables will point to different memory addresses compared to the previous render. You can use memoization functions like useMemo() and useCallback() to make a variable point to the same memory address across different renders.

Since everything gets redeclared during re-render, we must be careful when using them in a component.

  • Pay attention to the referential equality of variables.

    If an unmemoized, non-primitive value is declared in a component, and it's being used as a prop of a child, the memo() on the child will then lose its effectiveness. For example:

    import { Child } from './Child'

    export const Example = () => {
    // Beware!
    // `user` will refer to a different object in each render.
    const user = {
    age: 5,

    // Beware!
    // `sayHi()` will also refer to a different object in each render!
    const sayHi = () => {

    return (
    <Child user={user} sayHi={sayHi} />
  • Be careful when using an inner function that returns a JSX element. Consider the following example:

    import { Child } from './Child'

    export const Example = () => {
    const View = () => <Child />

    return (
    <View />

    In the above example, we declare a function called View that returns a JSX element <Child />, which is a common pattern. You may not have noticed, but we just defined a function component (View) inside another function component (Example)!

    Although both <View /> and {View()} will render <Child />, because each render has its own View function, React will treat <View /> as an instance of a "new" component in each render, causing it to be unmounted and mounted again. This can have performance implications if what View returns is a complex component.

    On the other hand, {View()} will not be unmounted and mounted again because it is not an element; it is simply the result of calling the View function.

    Therefore, if a function declared in a component returns a JSX element, it is generally recommended to use it like {View()} instead of <View /> to avoid unnecessary unmounting and mounting of the element.

Rendering Is Recursive

Rendering is recursive. For example:

import { Child } from './Child'

export const Parent = () => (
<Child />

In this example, whenever Parent re-renders, Child will also re-render; then, the children of Child will also re-render, and so forth and so on, all the way to the very last component in the DOM tree. Sometimes this makes sense because a child may use a state declared in parent as a prop, but sometimes it does not. Consider the following example:

import { useState } from 'react'
import { Child } from './Child'

export const Parent = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

const increment = () => {
setCount(count + 1)

return (
<h1>Count: {count}</h1>
<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
<Child />

In the above example, Child is not using any states declared in Parent as props; however, whenever Parent re-renders, Child will also re-render. In most cases this is fine, because Child may not be a computationally espensive component; but if it is, it would be not ideal to re-render Child whenever Parent re-renders. So, is there a way to change this behavior, so that we don't re-render Child when Parent re-renders?

One way is to use memoization functions to memoize the rendered output of Child, we'll talk about this when we get to Optimization Functions. Another way is to make use of the children prop of a React component.

children Prop

So what can children prop do? In native HTML, we can put as many DOM nodes as we want under another DOM node. For example:


The same rule also applies to a React component; we can put as many DOM nodes and components under another DOM node or component. For example:

import { Parent } from './Parent'
import { Child } from './Child'

export const Example = () => {
return (
<Child />

In the above example, despite the fact that Child is wrapped inside <Parent></Parent>, it is Example that is responsible for rendering Child, not Parent. This is because Child is written in the return section of Example. As a result, Child will only be re-rendered when Example re-renders, and the re-rendering of Parent will have no effect on Child.

However, this solution will not work unless it is set up properly. In React, the content wrapped between a component will not be automatically displayed; rather, it will be passed to the component as a prop called children. If we don't explicitly use this children prop in the component, nothing is going to happen, just like any other unused prop.


If you're using TypeScript, you may get an error that says Type '{ children: Element; }' has no properties in common with type 'IntrinsicAttributes' when putting anything between a component. To solve this problem, we can either add a prop called children with the type we need, or use the built-in type PropsWithChildren to fulfill our requirement:

import { PropsWithChildren } from 'react'

type IParentProps = PropsWithChildren<{
// Add any other props you need here.

export const Parent = ({ children }: IParentProps) => {
// ...

So all we have to do now is to take children out from the props of Parent and put it where we want it to be displayed:

import { useState, PropsWithChildren } from 'react'

export const Parent = ({ children }: PropsWithChildren) => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

const increment = () => {
setCount(count + 1)

return (
<h1>Count: {count}</h1>
<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

This way the re-render of Parent will no longer impact Child.

When Will Reactive Values Be Updated?

If states are not updated right after setState() is called, when exactly will they be updated?

Update Schedulers

First, we must understand that the purpose of functions like setState() and dispatch() is to schedule state updates rather than directly modifying the state. React batches these updates and applies them asynchronously at a specific point in the execution flow. For this reason, we'll refer to those functions as "update schedulers" in this documentation.

Usually, states will be updated when the event handler that sends the update schedulers is done executed. For example:

import { useState } from 'react'

export const Example = () => {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

const click = () => {

return (
<h1>Count: {count}</h1>
<button onClick={click}>Click Me</button>

In this example, click() is the onClick event handler of the button, which means click() will be the only function call in the call stack when the button is clicked. Since console.log('Done') is the last action to be done in click(), the execution of click() will be considered as done after console.log('Done') is completed. Thus, React will immediately update the states according to our update schedulers (which is setCount(1)) once the execution of click() is done.

React typically batches update schedulers made within the same event loop and processes them after the current JavaScript execution finishes, but not necessarily when the call stack is completely empty.


If you don't know what call stack is, don't panic just yet!

Call stack is a part of the event loop in JavaScript. To be honest, it's not really necessary to know it due to the fact that most of the update schedulers are triggered by user-initiated events (i.e. clicking a button or submitting a form), which will be the first function call in the call stack most of the time. That means the call stack will usually be empty when the execution of the event handler is done.

It may sound scary, but it's actually not something very difficult to understand. If you still want to know what call stack or event loop is, we recommend you watch this awesome talk by Philip Roberts. What the heck is the event loop anyway?

If you have more time, make sure to also check out this outstanding talk by Jake ArchibaldJake Archibald on the web browser event loop, setTimeout, micro tasks, requestAnimationFrame, ...

If you have no idea what we're talking about at all, it's okay. Just ignore it and keep reading, you'll be fine!

In addition, due to the nature of async function in JavaScript, under most circumstances your event handler will be popped from the call stack as soon as an await expression is encountered.


Don't forget that the states in a function will remain the same as they were in the render they were defined, due to how reactive value works in a component. Updated states will only be available in the next render!

What's the theory behind this? (feel free to skip this!)

From the description above, you may have guessed it already — those "update schedulers" are actually microtasks. If you find it very confusing, feel free to skip it! You'll do just fine without knowing anything about it!

Besides, await can actually be used on anything, whether it's a promise or not. Check out MDN for more information if you're interested in it!

Tiny Exercise

Tiny exercise! Consider the following code:

  • How many times do you think count will be updated?
  • When will count be updated?
import { useState } from 'react'

const [count, setCount] = useState(0)

const click = async () => {
await doSomethingAsync()

await doSomethingAsync()


const doSomethingAsync = () => {
// Do something asynchronous here. For example, calling an API.
return Promise.resolve(true)
Show me the answer

In this example, count is going to be updated three times:

  1. Right when the first await doSomethingAsync() is executed, before doSomethingAsync() is resolved or rejected (updated from 0 to 1).

  2. Right when the second await doSomethingAsync() is executed, before doSomethingAsync() is resolved or rejected (updated from 1 to 2).

  3. When the execution of click() is done (updated from 2 to 3).

Congratulations! You have learned the most difficult part of React! This is indeed a huge step forward!

However, this is not the end! We recommend reading useState() In Depth to get the full picture of how useState() works.