📄️ Define a Component
Introduce the basic syntax of a React component, including class component and function component.
📄️ Reactive Values
Introduce what reactive values are in React.
📄️ The Basics of Hooks
Introduce the basics of hooks in React.
📄️ useState()
Introduce the usage and commonly seen issues of useState() in React.
📄️ useEffect()
Introduce the usage and commonly seen issues of useEffect() in React.
📄️ Component Rendering
Introduce how reactive values work and what happens when a component re-renders in React.
📄️ useState() In Depth
Introduce the advanced mechanism of useState() in React.
📄️ Optimization Functions
Introduce the optimization functions in React, including memo(), useMemo(), and useCallback().
📄️ useRef()
Introduce the usage and commonly seen issues of useRef() in React.
📄️ forwardRef()
Introduce the usage and commonly seen issues of forwardRef() in React.