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Ref<T> and ref()

Probably the most important part in Vue 3!


In case you're new to TypeScript or OOP, <T> is the Generic Type syntax of TypeScript.

What Is Ref<T>?

Ref<T> is a type with only one public property value.

A simple interface for Ref<T> would look like this:

interface Ref<T> {
value: T

A Ref<T> contains only one value of any type, so you can have:

  • Ref<number>
  • Ref<number[]>
  • Ref<{ id: number, name: string }>
  • Ref<Promise<() => void>>
  • ...anything you need!

What Is ref()?

ref() is a function that takes an argument of any type, and returns a Ref<T> object with that argument as its value. For example:

import { ref } from 'vue'

const name = ref('hello')

console.log(name) // { value: 'hello' }

To mutate the value of a Ref<T>, we can simply do it in the classic JavaScript way:

import { ref } from 'vue'

const name = ref('hello')
console.log(name.value) // 'hello'

name.value = 'world'
console.log(name.value) // 'world'

The same rule applies to any type of value, for example:

import { ref } from 'vue'

// array
const fruits = ref(['apple', 'banana'])
console.log(fruits.value) // ['apple', 'banana']

fruits.value[0] = 'cherry'
console.log(fruits.value) // ['cherry', 'banana']

// object
const user = ref({
name: 'hello'
age: 5,
console.log(user.value) // { name: 'hello', age: 5 } = 'world'
console.log(user.value) // { name: 'world', age: 5 }

Although the returned value of ref() seems to be a plain object like { value: 'hello' }, it's actually not! Instead, it's an instance of a class called RefImpl which has only one public property value. So from user's perspective (you and me, the developers), it's okay to just see RefImpl as Ref<T> because they expose the same property.

Also, ref() does not just blindly wrap value into Ref<T> structure, but it's not necessary to learn that now. We'll explain more in detail in ref() or reactive().

Great, we've learned enough about how Ref<T> works in <script>. Let's see how Ref<T> works in <template>!

Ref<T> in <template>

In Vue 2, we can access variables declared in <script> from <template> using 3 different syntax — double curly braces {{ }}, v-on (shorthand as @), and v-bind (shorthand as :). These 3 syntax still exist in Vue 3, but the logic is a little different. Take the following component as an example:

<!-- Will this work? -->
<div>{{ name.value }}</div>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const name = ref('hello')

Because name is a Ref<T>, it is very reasonable to think that <div>{{ name.value }}</div> will evaluate to <div>hello</div>. But when this component gets rendered, the output HTML will actually be <div></div>, without hello in the middle — where's our hello?

In Vue 3, when we try to access Ref<T> from <template>, sometimes (yes, SOMETIMES!) they will be automatically unwrapped. To unwrap (or unref) means to take the value out from Ref<T>. Hence, we must omit the .value behind a Ref<T> in <template> under some circumstances because Vue auto-unwraps them sometimes. So what are these "circumstances"?

The rule is simple: Vue will only auto-unwrap a Ref<T> in <template> if it is exposed as a top-level property in <script setup>. This rule also applies to v-on and v-bind.

So for the above example, if we want to see hello on the screen, we'll have to write {{ name }} instead of {{ name.value }} because name is a top-level Ref<T> in <script setup>.

<!-- This will work correctly. -->
<div>{{ name }}</div>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const name = ref('hello')

Great, let's see one more example of auto-unwrap:

<h1>A: {{ age.toFixed }}</h1>
<h2>B: {{ user.age.toFixed }}</h2>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const age = ref(5)

const user = {
age: age,

The output HTML of this component is:

<h1>A: function toFixed() { [native code] }</h1>
<h2>B: </h2>

Do you know why there's such difference?

This happens because... (think about it for a while before revealing the answer!)
  • Both age and user are exposed as top-level properties in <script setup>.
  • Since age is a top-level Ref<T> in <script setup>, it gets auto-unwrapped in <template>, which means {{ age }} in <template> will equal to age.value in <script setup>, thus resolves to 5.
  • In JavaScript, toFixed is a method defined in the prototype of number; 5 is a number, so 5.toFixed will evaluate to that function, thus showing function toFixed() { [native code] } on the screen.
  • Although user.age and age are exactly the same variable in <script setup>, {{ user.age }} will not get auto-unwrapped in <template> because user.age is not a top-level property — user is!
  • Since user.age is not auto-unwrapped in <template>, {{ user.age }} in <template> will equal to user.age in <script setup>, which is a Ref<T>.
  • Ref<T> does not have a property called toFixed, so {{ user.age.toFixed }} resolves to undefined, causing <h2>B: {{ undefined }}</h2> to be rendered as <h2>B: </h2>.

Great, now you know how Ref<T> works in <template>! This is especially important when using composables. Without knowing this, you will end up writing so many .value in <template> that could have been avoided, which decreases the readability of your code.

ComputedRef<T> Is Also Ref<T>

ComputedRef<T> is return type of computed().

Since ComputedRef<T> extends Ref<T>, they work pretty much the same way — value is the only public property in ComputedRef<T>, and top-level ComputedRef<T> in <script setup> gets auto-unwrapped in <template>.