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Basic Syntax

Learn the essentials of a component in Vue 3.


Make sure to check out the super convenient online Vue 3 IDE — Vue SFC Playground!

Sample Component

Here's an example of Vue 3 single file component (SFC) with Composition API:

<h1>Hello, {{ name }}</h1>
<input v-model="name">

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const name = ref('world')

<style scoped>
h1 {
color: blue;

Similar to Vue 2, a SFC in Vue 3 consists of 3 tags — <template>, <script>, and <style>.

  • The main difference is, now we have a setup attribute on <script>, which only works with Composition API.
  • TypeScript is now officially supported in Vue 3, we can just add lang="ts" attribute on <script> to start building components in TypeScript.
  • <style> is still optional, and the scoped attribute still works.
  • The template syntax remains the same; we can still use double curly braces {{ }}, v-on (shorthand as @), and v-bind (shorthand as :) in Vue 3.

There's a new v-bind in CSS feature that allows us to have dynamic value in <style>. It may come in handy in some situations.

<script setup>

So what is this <script setup>? What can the setup attribute do in an SFC?

Similar to the export default { ... } in Options API, the setup attribute on <script> is used to tell Vue that the code in this <script> block should be treated as the definition of a component. Anything we can do in Options API, we can also do it in <script setup>.

Also, there cannot be more than one <script setup> in an SFC, just like how we cannot export default multiple times in a single file. You can have as many <script> as you want, just remember only one of them can be decorated with setup attribute.

Define a component

There are multiple ways to define a component in Vue 3, <script setup> is just one of them. Options API still works, and there's a new setup() option in Options API. Make sure to check out Define a Component for more details.